
Reflection on attending Usrah 4 (Sec 237) with Sr. Izzah Farhana

 Reflection  This semester, I have attended my last usrah budi class for my degree. I am super happy to have Sr. Izzah Farhana for my Naqibah because she is very understanding and caring. I get to know many students from different kulliyah and they definitely give different vibes from the students in my own kulliyah so it was fun to get to know them especially during taaruf. Even though we did not manage to meet face to face but I am glad to attend this class.  So, there are some things I learnt from this usrah. For every class Sr. Izzah usually makes us to recite Al-mathurat together. This is beneficial to us students especially sometimes when we are on our own we forgot to make extra ibadah. But this usrah made it is compulsory to us to recite al mathurat before every session so I gained benefit from that. Next, Sr. Izzah also showed us videos about maqasid shariah so it reminds us the hierarchy of things we should prioritize in our life. Especially with this covid-19, we can relate

Usrah4 Sec 237 community project


Reflections on usrah3

Assalamualaikum wbt Usrah for this semester has been really meaningful and great experience to me. Thank you to sister Fida for being my course instructor. We had done a meaningful project by providing a poster to give word supports to people who dealing with mental health. Next, I learnt a lot by the video shared by sister fida in the whatsapp group. It was brief but it is such an eye opener for me. We had few google meet session throughout the semester however I hope sister Fida could have provide more live discussion so we can exchange stories that can make us reflect in our lives. Recommendation and suggestion I have attended few usrah throughout my studies in IIUM since CFS. Hence, this is what I can suggest for the next usrah session. I recommend for the assignments using less portfolio or any written form. Instead, it is the best when the task can be practical. In my opinion, it will give more impacts to each individual and more convenient since everyone of us is busy to do task

Reflections and recommendations on the project (usrah 3)

  We are given a task to do CSR project. This project assigns us to do anything that would beneficial to the community. Alhamdulillah even though initially I did not know anyone in my usrah class, I met my groupmates which is really responsible and helpful in conducting the project. This project is really meaningful to me actually. We made a social media account and a poster to help people with mental health issue. Through this project, I learned that everyone is going through difficulties in their life. The feedback that we obtained from the google form really makes me realize that I am not the only one who is dealing with hardship. It makes me ponder that life is a test. Allah tested people differently and it important for everyone of us to be there for each other. I am glad that I could done this poster and social media with my groupmates even it is the tiniest thing we could do to help those in need for supports.  My another reflection is that - it is important for everyone to list

Infographic on the Community Engagement Project (usrah 3)




Reflection of attending usrah2 in my university

Assamualaikum friends. Its me again. Today, let me share something about my usrah session. My usrah session had been conducted online due to ertl, nevertheless I think Im still learning something through our discussion.  I think it is really great to have usrah at the end of my weekday because sometimes we are too busy that we forget about the purpose we live -- to serve Allah. I enjoyed the usrah discussion and everyone helps to give their point of view on the topics we have discussed.  Interestingly, all the topics is linked into each other and that helps more in terms of my understanding. You must be wonder what topics we are discussing? the topics is such as below : Alfatiha Ibadah, Salat Sawm  Zakat Haji Alfatihah is the ummu kitab of Alquran. What does it means?  Al-Bukhari said in the beginning of the Book of Tafsir in his Sahih: “It is named Umm al-Quran because it is the first chapter written in the Quranic texts and the recitation in prayer commences with it. Notice that we r