Reflection on attending Usrah 4 (Sec 237) with Sr. Izzah Farhana


This semester, I have attended my last usrah budi class for my degree. I am super happy to have Sr. Izzah Farhana for my Naqibah because she is very understanding and caring. I get to know many students from different kulliyah and they definitely give different vibes from the students in my own kulliyah so it was fun to get to know them especially during taaruf. Even though we did not manage to meet face to face but I am glad to attend this class. 

So, there are some things I learnt from this usrah. For every class Sr. Izzah usually makes us to recite Al-mathurat together. This is beneficial to us students especially sometimes when we are on our own we forgot to make extra ibadah. But this usrah made it is compulsory to us to recite al mathurat before every session so I gained benefit from that.

Next, Sr. Izzah also showed us videos about maqasid shariah so it reminds us the hierarchy of things we should prioritize in our life. Especially with this covid-19, we can relate back that we need to prioritize protection of life first over anything. This is the link of youtube video she has shown us.

Lastly, we did some infographic for community project and every groups presented different topics and I have learnt so much from that. For the last class, Sr. Izzah talked about the current issues involving palestine-israel and the history behind of it. 

Suggestion for improvement

For me,  this semester usrah is already good enough. The workloads is fair and I truly enjoyed the sharing session. But may be in the area of sharing session, may be Sr. Izzah should convey stories especially when it is history in much simpler form so it could be understood easier. 

I think that's all from me. Thank you 


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