
Showing posts from January, 2021

Reflections on usrah3

Assalamualaikum wbt Usrah for this semester has been really meaningful and great experience to me. Thank you to sister Fida for being my course instructor. We had done a meaningful project by providing a poster to give word supports to people who dealing with mental health. Next, I learnt a lot by the video shared by sister fida in the whatsapp group. It was brief but it is such an eye opener for me. We had few google meet session throughout the semester however I hope sister Fida could have provide more live discussion so we can exchange stories that can make us reflect in our lives. Recommendation and suggestion I have attended few usrah throughout my studies in IIUM since CFS. Hence, this is what I can suggest for the next usrah session. I recommend for the assignments using less portfolio or any written form. Instead, it is the best when the task can be practical. In my opinion, it will give more impacts to each individual and more convenient since everyone of us is busy to do task